Monday, May 24, 2010

So Fucking....

Sofa King Drunk
I am sure that you are fine
whatever that may entail.
I am sure that eggs taste
just as bland when you are in love. I am sure the word forgive
means the same thing it always had
And babies cry in the mornings
and lovers need attention
The basic mechanics of life do not alter
just because you are in love.
You cannot pick up the embers of a fire
& expect not to burn your fingers.
Days always arrive in much the same way
& the moon still does not stare back at you.
Sofa King Drunk
I am positive there is nothing wrong with you
that a hug & a Bloody Mary
couldn't fix.
I am certain that when you finally slip off into sleep tonight
you will still awake
wishing that your dreams weren't just.
Cuts still mend rather slowly
& constant profuse bleeding
requires the use of a tourniquet.
Your being in love is not going to change any of that.
Red is still red & yellow
is still nauseating.
The sound of human lives is still
distracting with it's chaotic din.
Alcoholics will still go through their day
as alcoholics,
& you will still go through your day
being in love.
And that is the only thing
that is going to change.

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